Get out your cookie cutters! As its name suggests, this sugar cookie recipe is ideal for making cutout cookies for Christmas, Easter, or any other holiday...
Homemade pumpkin ice cream plus homemade gingerbread cookies equals delicious Halloween party snacks. The pairing works wonderfully thanks to pumpkin's...
Recipe courtesy Emeril Lagasse, adapted from Essential Emeril: Favorite Recipes and Hard-Won Wisdom From My Life in the Kitchen, Oxmoor House, 2015, courtesy...
Who knew everyone's favorite split would grow up to be such a looker? Beneath a drizzle of chocolate lie stripes of vanilla, chocolate, and pistachio ice...
A grunt, sometimes called a slump, is a classic American skillet dessert combining fruit stew and a fluffy dough topping. Whether you're plucking berries...
This trifle is rich with whipped cream, sponge cake, and the season's fruit. Traditional English trifle calls for liqueur, but the fresh juices of blackberries...
Cloudberry cakes are made from tart orange fruits that grow wild in Scandinavia, New England, and Canada. Rarely found in abundance, the fruits are so...
A traditional Dutch apple pie, the appeltaart has reportedly been showing up on dinner tables since the Middle Ages. This modern rendition flavors sweet-tart...
This dense, single-layer cake is especially easy because it's supposed to look imperfect and requires no frosting. A dozen eggs, nearly a pound of butter,...
Take one bite of this Southern classic, and you'll see why its name supposedly originated from the word 'divine'! Divinity candy is nougat-like confection...
Icy melon milk granita is an easy make-ahead treat for a hot summer day. (No need to scrape our sherbet-like mixture every 30 minutes, as with most granitas...
This is the very richest, smoothest cheesecake ever made. The dessert's finely ground almonds that dust the pan are a pleasing contrast to the silkiness...
Tall and light-as-air, this three-layer chiffon cake is a strawberry lover's delight. There are three pounds of berries sandwiched between its layers,...
These individual cream "pies" get their silkiness from coconut milk and a zesty lift from limes. They're also fun to make, especially if you have kids...
The pink hearts are made from a sugar-cookie dough; the chocolate hearts are a little denser. What holds these charming sandwich cookies together is a...
Cherry-lemon trifle -- made with layers of lemon curd, poached and fresh cherries, wafer cookies, candied zest, and whipped cream -- is a sweet-and-tart...
Viva Italia! This grape-studded cake, which is traditionally made to celebrate the beginning of the fruit harvest, is a sweet yet understated way to finish...
This may become the new most-requested recipe in your house: Cheddar-buttermilk biscuits are dropped and baked over turkey chili for a guaranteed hit....
An easy and elegant fall dessert, pears are poached in dry white wine and a delicious bouquet of vanilla, orange, cinnamon, and a pinch of saffron. Serve...
Ice cream in a 500-degree oven? As long as it's bundled up in a thick layer of meringue, the outside caramelizes, and the inside (chocolate cake with chocolate...
Nothing cools you off faster than a granita, the Italian shaved-ice delight. This one, made with coconut water, is a real catch: it's uncommonly refreshing...
Here we combined some of the holiday season's best flavors and textures in one delicious tartlet. A tender, flaky shell holds a creamy creme brulee that's...
Serve this salty-sweet treat alongside coffee or tea for dessert, and save any leftovers for snacking. Peanuts make a classic brittle, but you can substitute...
These delicate, crispy cookies have a lacelike appearance and are delicious served with tea -- or combine them with Melon with Orange-Ginger Syrup for...